Need work done on your existing wardrobe or cupboard Abode Wardrobe can do this for you
Refurbish existing wardrobe / cupboard.
Abode Wardrobe refurbish existing wardrobes we are one stop shop. We will
• False ceilings
• Remove small cupboards above
• Remove walls that divide wardrobes
• Change 2 wardrobes into one.
• Close off small wardrobe to make one large wardrobe.
• Stopping/plastering, jibbing, fix wall damage
Create larger door opening of existing wardrobe
Abode wardrobe can create larger door openings to existing wardrobes giving better access
• Cut openings wider install new door jamb
• Cut opening taller install new door jamb
• Remove deep returns create new opening install door jamb
• Increase wardrobe depth install new door jamb.
This only means better and easier access to all your garments and accessories.
Each home has different needs, so call for a consultant to come to your home.
When choosing Abode Wardrobe you don‘t need to call a builder we do it all for you.
One call, one quote, one invoice.
For a complementary in home consultation contact us or call 0800422633 and have an experienced consultant visit you.